Leafiny Documentation


There are 6 types of objects in Leafiny:

  • Page: a page renders a template
  • Block: a block is a unit of page output that renders some distinctive content
  • Mail: a mail renders a template to send by e-mail
  • Helper: a helper contains usefull methods that can be use anywhere
  • Observer: an observer is called when an event is dispatched
  • Model: a model provides access to the database


All objects extend the Leafiny_Object class. This class allows you to add, modify or delete data on the object.

$helper = new Leafiny_Helper();

$helper->setData('welcome', 'Hello!');
// OR

echo $helper->getData('welcome');
// OR
echo $helper->getWelcome();

Object factory

An object must be declared in the module config file as follow:

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'helper' => [ // Object type
    'my_helper' => [ // Object identifier
        'class'   => Example_Helper_Data::class, // Object class
        'welcome' => 'Hello %s!' // Custom variable

Here, the Example_Helper_Data class contains one method that displays a welcome message:

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Helper/Data.php **/


class Example_Helper_Data extends Core_Helper
     * Welcome Message
     * @param string $name
     * @return string
    public function getWelcomeMessage(string $name): string
        $welcome = $this->getCustom('welcome');

        return sprintf($welcome, $name);

Anywhere, this helper must be instancied with App::getObject($type, $identifier) or App::getSingleton($type, $identifier) methods:

$helper = App::getObject('helper', 'my_helper');
// OR
$helper = App::getSingleton('helper', 'my_helper');

In most cases it is better to use the singleton.

The object factory assigns to the object all custom variables defined in the configuration file for the my_helper identifier. Then these variables are accessible with the getCustom method.

This system allows a customization of the variables simply by overloading the value in a configuration file (Frontend or custom module). See How config variables work.


Add a new page

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'page' => [
    '/example.html' => [
        'title'            => 'Example Page',
        'content'          => 'Vendor_Example::page/hello.twig',
        'meta_title'       => 'Example',
        'meta_description' => 'This is an example page',
        'class'            => Example_Page_Hello::class,

Note: if the class key is missing, the default class will be Core_Page.

Page content

<!-- modules/Vendor_Example/template/page/hello.twig -->

<p>Hello World!</p>

<p>5 + 9 = {{ page.add(5, 9) }}</p>

Page class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Page/Hello.php **/


 * Class Example_Page_Hello
class Example_Page_Hello extends Core_Page
     * Execute action
     * @return void
    public function action(): void

        // Custom logic

     * Add 2 integers
     * @return int
    public function add(int $a, int $b): int
        return $a + $b;

See Routes section for more information.


Add a new block

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'block' => [
    'my.block.name' => [
        'template' => 'Vendor_Example::block/hello.twig',
        'class'    => Example_Block_Hello::class

Note: if the class key is missing, the default class will be Core_Block.

Block content

<!-- modules/Vendor_Example/template/block/hello.twig -->

<p>Hello {{ block.getName }}!</p>

Block class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Block/Hello.php **/


 * Class Example_Block_Hello
class Example_Block_Hello extends Core_Block
     * Retrieve the name
     * @return string
    public function getName(): string
        return 'Leafiny';

Display the block

<!-- modules/Vendor_Example/template/page/hello.twig -->

{{ child('my.block.name') }}


Add a new mail

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'mail' => [
    'mail.example' => [
        'subject'  => 'Hello World!',
        'template' => 'Vendor_Example::mail/hello.twig',
        'class'     => Example_Mail_Hello::class

Note: if the class key is missing, the default class will be Core_Mail.

Mail content

<!-- modules/Vendor_Example/template/mail/hello.twig -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="{{ mail.getLanguage }}" xml:lang="{{ mail.getLanguage }}">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={{ mail.getCharset }}">
        <title>{{ mail.getSubject|translate }}</title>
        <p>Hello {{ mail.getCustomer.getName }}!</p>
        <p>Today is {{ mail.getDate  }}</p>

Mail class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Mail/Hello.php **/


 * Class Example_Mail_Hello
class Example_Mail_Hello extends Core_Mail
     * Retrieve the current date
     * @return string
    public function getDate(): string
        return strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S');

Send the mail

/** @var Core_Mail $mail */
$mail = App::getObject('mail', 'mail.example');

$customer = new Leafiny_Object();
        'name' => 'Leafiny',

$mail->send(['customer' => $customer]);


Add a new helper

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'helper' => [
    'my_helper' => [
        'class'   => Example_Helper_Data::class,
        'welcome' => 'Hello %s!',

Note: if the class key is missing, the default class will be Core_Helper.

Helper class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Helper/Data.php **/


 * Class Example_Helper_Data
class Example_Helper_Data extends Core_Helper
     * Welcome Message
     * @param string $name
     * @return string
    public function getWelcomeMessage(string $name): string
        $welcome = $this->getCustom('welcome');

        return sprintf($welcome, $name);

Use helper

In any class:

/** @var Example_Helper_Data $helper **/
$helper = App::getSingleton('helper', 'my_helper');

$message = $helper->getWelcomeMessage('John Doe');

In page template:

{{ page.getHelper('my_helper').getWelcomeMessage('John Doe') }}


Add a new observer

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'events' => [
    'page_render_before' => [ // Dispatched event name to observe
        'observer_example' => 100, // Custom and unique observer name with sort order as value

'observer' => [
    'observer_example' => [ // The observer name
        'class' => Example_Observer_Christmas::class, // The observer class name

Observer class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Observer/Christmas.php **/


 * Class Example_Observer_Christmas
class Example_Observer_Christmas extends Core_Observer implements Core_Interface_Observer
     * Execute
     * @param Leafiny_Object $object
     * @return void
     * @throws Exception
    public function execute(Leafiny_Object $object): void
        /** @var Core_Page $page */
        $page = $object->getData('object');

        if (date('md') === '1225') {
            /* modules/Vendor_Example/template/christmas.twig */
            $page->setCustom('template', 'Vendor_Example::christmas.twig');


Add a new model

/** modules/Vendor_Example/etc/config.php **/

'model' => [
    'document' => [
        'class'  => Example_Model_Document::class,

Note: if the class key is missing, the default class will be Core_Model.

Model class

/** modules/Vendor_Example/app/Example/Model/Document.php **/


 * Class Example_Model_Document
class Example_Model_Document extends Core_Model
     * Main Table
     * @var string $mainTable
    protected $mainTable = 'vendor_example_document';
     * Primary key
     * @var string $primaryKey
    protected $primaryKey = 'document_id';

Use Model

/** @var Example_Model_Document $model **/
$model = App::getSingleton('model', 'document');

$documents = $model->getList();